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Modern root canals usually last a lifetime. But there are rare cases where the tooth doesn’t heal correctly or becomes reinfected. In this situation, microsurgery might be necessary so the endodontist can examine and isolate the problem, then provide treatment that alleviates the pain and issues.
The most common type of microsurgery is known as an apicoectomy, also known as an apico procedure, which involves removing the tip of the root canal tooth because of lingering infection in the area. First, the endodontist uses local anesthetic to numb the area. Then, a small incision is made in the gums so the surgeon can access the root of the tooth.
This treatment removes the affected area of the root, then a filling is placed so the end of the tooth is resealed. It is a fast and simple treatment, and most patients can return to their normal activities within a day or two.
There are several reasons why an endodontist might recommend dental microsurgery/dental apicoectomy after your root canal:
Your dentist might refer you to an endodontist to determine if microsurgery, also known as a root canal apicoectomy, is necessary. Or you can book a consultation with an endodontist if you are experiencing ongoing problems after a root canal treatment. To reach an office near you, call us at: 773-373-0790 or book an appointment!
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